RESEARCH INTO CLEAR IDEAS OF THE FINITE AND OF THE INFINITE BY MEANS OF G15 PMN FORMALISM Aristo Tacoma Background. In the 19th century, and with feverent activity and highly interesting contributions not in the least from the hollender L E J Brouwer very early in the 20th century, mathematics as field came to be regarded as something whose foundations are crumpling. There is no need to mince the words. In the view of some, mathematics never regained its clarity; though certain ways of relating to the questions in the foundations of mathematics came to be more or less mainstream for a while. In this exploration, we will consider that we can continue what was begun inside mathematics--including the exploration of ideas of the infinite--without relying on any definition of mathematics, whether according to Brouwer or anyone else. Rather, we can use the type of formalism we employ when we program computers to explore not just structures involving finite numbers, but clear ideas about infinity. But to do this, it can help to extract some of the features of the various approaches to the foundations of mathematics in an eclectic way. It often happens that while a programme may be formulated according to idealistic principles with a definite ring of truth to them, the follow-up of this programme is far less convincing. For while great energy may go into the formulation of the motto or mottos of a new undertaking, a level of confusion may set in when this is sought to be put to practise. But when this is the case, it is important to be able to view dispassionately and eclectically what went on, so that we can pick out that which makes sense independent on whatever less sensical things went on. This seems to be a more fruitful approach than judging the programme according to the least attractive of its results. And in this spirit, I wish to call on attention to the greatness in what L E J Brouwer, the dutch logician and thinker, sought to create--in terms of a programme. As soon as this programme was put into praxis, there are features coming in that may not ring as true. We'll briefly look into something of this, and move beyond, to suggest what we think is a more coherent research programme, but learning from both him and a number of other good thinkers. Brouwer suggested that a great deal of clear thinking can begin with the intuitions we have about numbers and elementary arithmetic. He then sought to impress upon his readers and friends the following: every idea we then make in the wake of this--(let us not now call this 'mathe- matics', for we are interesting in a somewhat novel application)--should have a similar feature of intuitive clarity. In other words: Brouwer sought to call on attention to clarity in our ideas--and to elevate doubt into something that can be used to cast away propositions that entail unclear ideas. Of this I fully agree. Let us put this into contrast into what has sometimes been called the 'formalist' point of view, or approach. Here, meaning is de-emphasized; and rather permutations of abstract symbols according to strict rules are what is in focus. We notice that the computer idea, and the computer language (such as G15 PMN) indeed involve very quick permutations or handlings of signs, which may indeed be very abstract. We have, in the 21st century, in contrast to very early in the 20th century, machines that do the 'formalist' type of activity to some extent. We can therefore, with some leisure, make programs in which not every bit of them have supreme clarity, and then 'check' them on the machine and regard that checking as a meaningful degree of mild 'verification' of the validity of what we did there. In that sense, dealing with computers let us pick out something--quite eclectically--from the formalist or attitude, at least when it comes to finite structures, even as we can declare full agreement with the aforementioned core postulate of Brouwer. There is another approach, held by a significant number of people who have worked hard in fields of thought related to those Brouwer worked in,--sometimes called the 'Platonic' or, a bit confusingly, the 'realist' approach, or point of view. Again, it must be possible to look for clear ideas also here, and apply a measure of the eclectic (indeed, thinkers such as Kleene, influenced by Brouwer, sought to combine Brouwer's "Intuitionism" with such a "Realism", but not necessarily in ways that Brouwer would have approved of). The idea employed in the Platonic view is that there is something more to reality than what the senses can pick up--something mystical and pure--and that can be reflected in formalisms, also when they deal with infinity. For instance, a thinker working within this approach may argue that a perfect circle hasn't been seen anywhere by the senses (for the circles around us aren't absolute in their perfection, at least not when studied with better instruments), but the idea of the circle exists out there in the platonic realm of pure forms somehow, and our formalisms can reflect that. Some of them will also say that our minds can pick up these forms by intuitive perceptions, AS WELL as represent them in our formalisms. This Platonic view then ascribes a reality to abstract notions, at least of some kinds: and so the word 'realism' has been used to characterise it. For someone who is used to look for clear ideas and who is attentive to unclarities about ideas that MIGHT seem clear before we look on them further (consult e.g. the chapter on "Long strings, longer strings, and infinitely long strings", in the "Learning PMN" document linked to from, it may at once be pointed out that the idea of a circle isn't altogether formally clear. For in order for this idea to be formally clear when our foundations are thinking about whole numbers and arithmetic, it is adamant that the idea of the perfect and infinite- decimaled number PI, or some suitable related number or formula, is also regarded as clear, so that the shape of the circle can be easily described by means of only clear ideas and the corresponding formalisms. But a number of such a kind requires that one fully agrees to the definition of PI, and of that kind of numbers in general, and, armed by the slogan of only accepting clear ideas, we may not get to that point. In other words, while the Platonic or 'Realist' point of view may have something to it, we cannot at once jump into agreement with a lot of assumedly 'easy' and 'obvious' examples. Rather, in one of our texts on infinitely long strings (referred to just above) it is indicated a way by means of an idea that does indeed seem to be clear, unfolded by means of applying the G15 PMN formalism on an imagined "infinite computer", and suitably extended with a number of the "infinite" kind, denoted there "...", as three dots, --by this we can come to what may be fairly clear ideas of infinite arrays. However, these may not correspond to what was typically described either in the Realist or the Formalist or in any other school of enquiry into formalisms. We are then at liberty to consider the proposition that such infinities, of some sort, can be said to have a more or less "real" existence, perhaps in some vein vaguely suggested by the ancient hellene Plato. Note that we do this without calling into question a core proposition by L E J Brouwer, namely, that we must only allow clear ideas. Also, when we do explore formalisms, we may admit some value to some formalisms that not at first correspond to clear ideas when we get machines to check them, and imagine that if we wanted to, we could invest attention into the analysis and synthetic understanding of these formalisms so that also these would show up to be pure ideas, or else unclear ideas that are discarded. Indeed, when we speak of First-Hand Relationship to Data, and, in the field of programming, of First-Hand Programming, or '1st-hand programming' for short, we are indeed emphasizing the validity of restricting the use both of formalisms and computers to that which admit to clear ideas--to our having a psychological, meaningful relation- ship in thought with them. Is this unduly restrictive? I think not, for we must ask what type of society, and what type of science we want: do we want a society and a science that is increasingly embroiled in complex formalisms and programs and systems outside the practical possibility of human understanding? But what factor will then ensure that we create a meaningful society, and a meaningful science? What possibilities are there for correction, when we must use machines to check the activity of machines, but no longer retain in our minds the capacity to check the very designs we implement in our machines, or in the formalisms governing them? So 1st-hand programming is an ethical concern. And it ties in well with a core postulate by L E J Brouwer-- namely, that we must be willing to say that clear ideas, meaningfulness in what we mentally construct in connection to the formalisms we evolve around numbers, must remain the chief criterion as for our acceptance of them. Those who are fond of -isms {this writer is however not fond of -isms except in a few well-thought cases like 'impressionism' in art, and 'small-business friendly capitalism' in politics} like to try and put Brouwer's works under the slogan of the baggy concept of 'constructivism', where the idea that it is essential that mental ideas are constructed as we go along developing formalisms. But this isn't necessarily all that clear--and clear ideas, and willingness to admit doubt as to clarity as good enough foundation to reject a proof, are far more powerful postulates. For reasons that to this writer clearly seems to be tied up to historical pressures of the various schools of thought with which Brouwer, at his time, was concerned with, and focussed at, Brouwer ALSO postulated things that --seen outside of this context--seems to be not at all necessary given his core emphasis on intuitive clarity, or intuition. In particular, Brouwer became concerned with focussing on the way in which so-called 'proofs' were made, and he found a number of cases where the proofs relied on the power of negation, but without leading to clear ideas. To summarize a great deal of highly complicated patterns of reasoning, we might then say that he challenged the notion that by showing that something is false, it doesn't follow that 'the opposite' is true--and this especially when engaged in proofs connected to the infinite. (This has sometimes been expressed as Brouwer's opposition to 'the law of the excluded middle'.) While we regard it as a flash of genius in Brouwer to engage in this opposite AS A FORM OF DOUBT relative to some previous (and, we agree, too-quick) works on infinity, it must also be said that in the opinion of the undersigned, once it becomes an opposition to the use of negation in a broad sense, it doesn't ring intuitively clear anymore. Brouwer's work in this regard doesn't seem to follow from his core postulate (on there being only intuitively clear ideas) (an emphasis that he, by the way, shared with the French philosopher Renee Descartes who sought to employ it on a number of themes, including geometry and some form of existential philosophy, centuries earlier). While it is clear that in natural language, the denial of a statement leads a lot of room open as to what, if anything, is affirmed by this denial, it is far more a clear idea, it appears to me, that when we have achived a formal expression which is FULLY understood, we are also able to fully appreciate the depth of negating this. And a clear-cut negation of something false IS an achievement, however small it is: it is indeed an achievement towards some kind of deduction of the opposite. Because, indeed, in formal language, the notion of 'the opposite' do often come forth as a clear idea. However, when the starting-point is influenced by unclear ideas of which we may not be entirely aware, a negation means much less: and only in such more narrow cases, does it make sense to open up the middle ground 'between the true and the false' as it were. In human activities, arithmetic is needed, in some form or another, by everyone, from childhood and up, and in some avenues of life, all the time. The natural extensions of arithmetic into simple forms of (computer-friendly, whole-number oriented forms of) trigonometry and such, as well as suitable calculations in various fields such as electronics, mechanical pressures, chemistry, and so on, are entirely natural. These applications involve rather finite structures and finite measurements. When we find that we want the clear-cut conciseness of a good first-hand formalism to show things by means of some degree of the dialogue with oneself one can have by means of computer programming in a language like G15 PMN, then we can also quickly reach the understanding that there are possibilities for careful, even scientific quests into what it would mean to apply certain notions of formalisms and certain ideas of the finite when translated, in one way or another, to what we may surmise as "the infinite". Since the work published in 2004 by the undersigned, privately {a book available under my pen name Stein von Reusch both in the Firth platform, in the main text folder there as the document named A.HTM, and in the National Library of Norway, at, as well, and the book title involves the term "physics", for it also introduces the first public formulations on the so-called super- model theory or interpretation of physics}, I have maintained that the following proposition has been demonstrated: The REAL exploration of infinity, where clear, coherent ideas are honored all the way, hasn't yet begun very much. While at the time I wasn't able to go further with the particular early formulations I had of this at the University of Oslo (which led me to break contact with them instead of revising this bit out of a thesis), I am optimistic that the time will come where clear ideas, in the spirit also of the core postulate by Brouwer as mentioned above, will regularly be produced on the nature of infinity. What with one thing and another, Brouwer did not feel at ease with features of what Georg Cantor had done just some years previous to his own first productions. As the years went by, Brouwer both challenged some features of what was said about 'real numbers' but then also accepted some other features of these. He sought to speak of 'potential infinity' in contrast to the idea of 'actualised infinity' that he meant that he saw in the works of Cantor-influenced thinkers. For me, it is clear that I do not regard that Brouwer went far enough in his demand on clarity in ideas. The works done by Cantor can and should be challenged as for clarity in ideas to a much deeper extent than what has been heard, in the mainstream 'history of formal thought' as summarized in the encyclopaedias we find around at present and in the best-selling books on such themes. In other words, this writer feels that there has been a lack of doubt, and a too liberal attitude as regards certain proofs, which again has led to what might be called, perhaps, an "arrogant" relationship to the infinity concept in later mathematical thinkers. This has carried over into the computer industry with the easy- going and superficial repetitions over the (illusory) theme of "Artificial Intelligence". This may again be seen as part of a larger but dark stream of human thought that seeks to reduce the human mind and body to mere machine-like processes,--although some of the thinkers are incorporating an openness for something 'platonic' as possibly 'real' on 'the other side'. This development, or lack of development, fits with a statistical emphasis on computer programming, in which a language more often is judged according to 'what it can do'--what it can manipulate of existing over-developed structures of computers and networks and robots and computer-related things--rather than according to the much more significant criterion of whether the language is esthetically pleasing and reflects clear ideas. For certainly, once we admit the importance of the core postulate of clear ideas--where we do not have to use the somewhat cumbersome notion "intuitionism" not even the over-used concept "mathematics"--we must regard it as adamant, necessary, vital that when we deal with finite numbers on finite machines, our languages are clear and easy-going and allow first-hand thinking and a relation- ship to the data that is direct and meaningful. For only with this foundation in place, can we venture into the important (for human well-being) explorations of the infinite. Each person can, in this regard, by adopting such a passion for clear ideas, regard herself or himself as a "researcher". The scientific attitude involves engaging in research without putting ego first. It involves being willing to look for perceptively clear notions and insights into reality regardless of emotional judgements. In this way, we call on feelings of a deeper and more true kind than the emotions of prejudice. This type of research, also into infinity, can then call on words, such as can be explored in an essay. The resulting essay category, whether we call it 'philosophy' or 'science', can then fruitfully also engage formalisms of a suitable first-hand type, such as run on a digital computer, but --with great care, and as thought experiments done with sharp, good attention--applied to the infinite. I have evaluated the G15 PMN programming language from the point of view of having made it in the past: in other words, I am done with attachments to it, I have done so many other things since it was complete; and I have completed other, though related, languages before. I have had a chance to evaluate whether something else should be made. I have had several opportunities to use the language to explore themes in thought, and I have, indeed, done so. The language G15 PMN does live up to the desires for such a suitable formalism as this essay calls for. It is a language that stands forth in a complete form, and that doesn't need a redoing to serve this purpose. Had there been another such language available, I would gladly have been using it instead of making a new. There is no other good programming language and no other good formalism that stands clearly forth as a golden pathway into the future of all our upcoming explorations. G15 PMN became a far better vehicle of good thinking around clear ideas than we had dared hope for. I think that it is an objective statement that this is infinitely better than any formalism mathematics has ever had within its realm, when it comes to shaping new ideas of the finite AND of the infinite. I suggest, now, that those who seek clarity in their own minds about also philsophical themes in the wake of a sense of caring for numbers and elementary arithmetic as soon as possible realize the unique powerful features of this formalism and start using it, both on a computer and in thought experiments allowing a safe leap to infinity and back, along the lines suggested in the chapter on infinite strings I referred to earlier. Let it be clear that--as we've pointed out in some other (relatively complicated, and earlier) texts on infinity, that the whole area of infinity may be, in a sense, infinitely more complex than what it first appears. Each exploration into it must be willing to admit that. As soon as we admit the notion--in my repeated postulate-- that a coherent, clear-thought process of developing a notion of the full complete set of all whole numbers involves a lack of possibility of cutting away a new and different type of numbers of an infinite kind, we are led into a whole host of implications and these do not follow mechanically from the starting-point. Rather, as Alan Turing also pointed out: some of the works we do when we have a starting-point which is rule-based or mechanical follow mechanically, as it were: but some other features of it call on fresh attention, fresh insight, or intuition, or these leaps to new features won't take place. To call on intuition and a willingness to distinguish between clear and unclear ideas involves a sense in which we invest a form of reality to that which is beyond the sensory--something that, if we wish to expand it into some grandiose (and complicated concept) involves (what I've earlier named as) a form of 'metaphysical empirics'. When we grant the infinite complexity of exploring the infinite, even as we begin with what we take to be clear ideas and a simple starting-point, and add to this a strong dose of doubt as to ALL historical explorations of infinity, THEN we have a new form of scientific research programme in a coherent form. We do not have to call it anything snappy, we do not have to make a new -ism or a new -logy or a new -ics. We can simply call it a use of a formal language in a research into clear ideas also about infinity. A long phrase, connected to a form of research which we must blend with many other forms of research and practises, so we do not overindulge in this form of mind-boggling activity. We must protect our minds as we engage into a fresh thinking, where we find out more about the universe and our minds--the multiverse and our manifold minds--than ever before. This is our quest. The G15 PMN is the clear-cut concise tool created after decades of intense awareness and questioning into all sorts of themes like these. Let's wish each other luck in using it for future research, blended with excellent natural language, good English, and suitable meditations when we explore the infinite, and new features of the finite in light of the infinite, in the future. * * * *********************************************************** The texts and images at are copyright the G15 Intraplates Multiversity. 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