Intraplates Academic Papers Paper on FCM as alternative to object-orientation: Paper on Clear Ideas: Paper on FCM & robots: Booklet on super-model theory: super-model-theory.pdf Science and 'Small is Beautiful' Economy: Learning PMN: Art of Thinking, Volume 1 to 5: Volume 1: G15 PMN PROGRAMMING FOR KIDS Volume 2: G15 PMN PROGRAMMING FOR TEENS and so on, up to the most advanced, Volume 5 of the Art of Thinking by Aristo Tacoma. To see what's available {these books and other books and also essays are being released gradually as they are being written}, consult the Avenuege Library. Back to main page The texts and images at are copyright the G15 Intraplates Multiversity. However you are granted the right to redistribute the whole unchanged and unextended text and sample images in a respectful context without asking on condition that this notice and a working link to this document location at is included.